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Our Philosophy


“At Cardiff Community Pre-school we believe that all children, families and educators are unique and valued individuals”

We believe the term “Families” is paramount.

 We are proud of the family orientated culture that exists amongst the children, families and educators at CCPS.

We have an open-door policy welcoming family participation at any time. Educators communicate with families on a consistent basis as we believe this the only way to understand each individual child holistically.

We value and respect diversity, equality and celebrate differences in families and people.

We believe each person and their family’s values, culture, beliefs, abilities, gender preference and language should be acknowledged, accepted and reflected as reinforcing the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics.

We believe that play is essential in the lives of young children.

Play is an art and is unique to each child it is how they make sense of their worlds and it is explored at the child’s pace.

We believe play values the idea of allowing children to “just be” and recognises the importance of early childhood.

At CCPS we strive to provide physical environments that are environmentally sustainable rich in natural foliage.

Places that are safe, welcoming and inviting to the child. Therefore, allowing children to confidently explore, hypothesise, take risks, research and solve problems that are crucial to their development and growth in the future.

We express this learning through reflective and meaningful documentation. And our educators consider our roles fundamental towards the child and the family, and we proudly offer something unique to CCPS.

Our belief is that as a community we raise a child.

And in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Early Childhood we stand by our vision that through Partnerships with families and communities we support and share responsibilities for children’s learning development and wellbeing.

Cardiff Community Preschool acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the Awabakal people upon the land on which this preschool stands.

Our Day 


8 am - 9.30 am - Families are welcomed into the preschool. children are provided with a variety of open-ended experiences on the deck/ indoor  and outdoor. (An indoor/outdoor program is supported in the summer months)

9.30 am - 10.30am - Children engage in outdoor or indoor play 


10.30am - 11am - Children are encouraged to re-set their environment, before we separate into two groups for lunch.

11.30am - 12pm - Children are separated into age appropriate group times

12pm - 12.30 pm - Children engage in free play indoor or outdoor


12.30 pm - 1.30 pm - Those children who require a rest are offered beds or a quiet area to relax those who are not resting are provided with mediation time.


1.30pm - 2pm - Afternoon tea time. Children bring their own choice of fruit. 

2 pm -4 pm - Children are welcomed back to the outdoor environment to engage, until it is time to go home. 

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